
ThehomeforOpenSourceHardware.,Thisisalistofopen-sourcehardwareprojects,includingcomputersystemsandcomponents,cameras,radio,telephony,scienceeducation,machinesandtools ...,“Opensourcehardware”(OSH)referstothedesignspecificationsofaphysicalobjectthatarelicencedsuchthattheyandtheobjectcanbestudied,modified, ...,TheOpenSourceHardwareAssociationisakeystoneorganizationthatsupportsandensuresthesucces...

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The home for Open Source Hardware.

List of open

This is a list of open-source hardware projects, including computer systems and components, cameras, radio, telephony, science education, machines and tools ...

Open Source Hardware

“Open source hardware” (OSH) refers to the design specifications of a physical object that are licenced such that they and the object can be studied, modified, ...

Open Source Hardware Association

The Open Source Hardware Association is a keystone organization that supports and ensures the success of open hardware in academia, industry, and finally – but ...


Open-source hardware (OSH, OSHW) consists of physical artifacts of technology designed and offered by the open-design movement. Both free and open-source ...

Tools for Open Source Hardware

Hardware tools that utilize open source exist, and like open source hardware, are more accessible via (comparatively) low prices. One example is the Red Pitaya, ...

Welcome · Open Hardware Repository

Welcome to the Open Hardware Repository, a place on the web for electronics designers at experimental physics facilities to collaborate on open hardware ...

What is open hardware?

Open hardware, or open source hardware, refers to the design specifications of a physical object which are licensed in such a way that said object can ...

開放原始碼硬體(open source hardware) ,它賺什麼?

一塊具備單機版電腦功能的樹莓派,販售價格從$25 到$35 美金之間,由於使用者的範圍很廣,從一般學校學生到專業人士,因此樹莓派的軟體社群的討論度與活動專案的數量是相當 ...